David's Poetry


It was my twenty first birthday
I chose to spend it with you
I remember it was a workday
And I didn't have a clue

We drank in celebration
As I enjoyed the day
But there was no explanation
For the man that went on display

A fifth of tequila later
Nearly in a comatose
You decided to be a baiter
And attempted your impose

I have never felt so disgusted
Of what happened that night
You were someone I trusted
And it stopped with a fight

So while i'm here taking these sips
Recalling memories of that night
And when alcohol touches these lips
Im reminded things could not be right

Sure seems to help to be numb
As i sit here and reflect on my memories
Mortified of the man i have become
As i conflict with current life difficulties

I'll never forgive you for that night
As that baggage haunts me to this day
Im left with so much despite
With the feeling of your betray

Now my trust for anyone is permanently scarred
And my future i will always dread
Now i cogitate everyone way to hard
But at least i know you're dead

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