Souls of light
We do not all come from the light
we do come to help solve false
ideas, that are put in our heads to
believe are the answers to the
existence of humanity.
We are not gods nor are we aliens who
try to invade human thoughts to turn
logic into something that is false to cause
friction among nations that believe
in much more, that should not be considered
the truth.
Weak minds ex actuate truth, leading friction
to become a reality, that makes man kind
begin to lack faith and hope, jumping from
one truth to another finding there are no
answers, to our existence as we know it.
We know energy source is the strongest we
can possibly have, and it goes on for eternity
regardless who, what, when, where, it began
from the beginning the universe was made of love
and pure energy, everything from than on
continued, creating more and more while
energy kept growing beyond our knowledge
and understanding what it was, and how
it started being the living force of life.
Light as you know is energy it sparks our
world made of pure unadulterated
force, like love and compassion, lightens
the waves of world life reflections, known
as spiritual enlightenment.
We continue on with life, going into our
consciousness to connect ourselves to one, instead
of being two, so our vibrations become higher
as our positivity continues on without any
limitations to keep us from continuing on our
journey fleeing away from old thoughts, gathering
new realizations, of thoughts with enlightenment
of soul, spirit, shining light, with love and more
energy, that goes on through eternity
(Love and Energy is our Strongest Force
in the Universe.)
By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)