He Glides
He glided across the skies
now free, no more bars
to hold him in..
Caged so long he was
never using his wings
God gave him wings
to fly fearful and free
now he is, flying
high and proud..
A bird so loved
like no other bird
he was more then just
a friend, he was so
much part of me..
Now he found away
to leave, in haste, he
flew from his cage
never looking back
just gliding across
the deep blue sky..
I shall never forget
that moment, he
took off so fast, never
to stay in that cage
any more.
He was my pal, my friend
indeed, a bird now free
to fly his way, the right
(Stay free inside and out)
By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
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He Glides
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