One more story, one more day,
another smile to soothe a weeping
Another glance across the way,
another story, a simple hello to
a stranger passing by.
A kiss for the little ones, a hug
of love before the sandman comes,
a prayer of thanks for blessings
adorn from the heart.
Another day, painted in colorful hues,
a miracle sweeping away with the breeze,
a blanket filled with a sparkle in the darkness,
a night of misty bliss lingering by.
One more story, one more smile to give,
another handshake for a day well spent,
another day of growth, another lesson learned,
a heart filled with love along the path of
One more story from the history books,
What used to be, that is not today, a new
world approaching the landscape of tomorrow
and dreams of a promise well kept.
A new love entering a heartbroken dream,
a pressed rose of beauty in the summer
time of youth, another story of what was
and what could have been!
A special song, bringing memories floating
across thundering clouds, casting rainbows
after each refreshing rain.
Another story told about the past, today,
maybe tomorrow the present, will
bring a glow flowing through each ray
of sunlight.