For if you only knew your power...
There wouldn't be the paralyzing doubts that hold you back from speaking your truth..
For if you only knew your power.
There wouldn't be ANYTHING that anybody else could say or do, that kept you from being YOU.
For if you only knew your power.
The world would know nothing of you, but the beat of your heart, and the song of your Soul.
Remembering your power is to remember who you are. Remember who you are and you'll also remember what it is you came here to do. Nothing can get in your way, only the illusion of any limitation that you may perceive can make it seem so. Shine the light of awareness on any part of you that thinks you aren't enough, capable, and/or deserving of everything your Soul desires. Your heart-centered and felt desires are of the reality that is unfolding for you. Will you let it?
This is your power