Into the Unknown
Into the unknown, I fall
so aware how I have always
known where I was going
in this wilderness of
desired journey's.
Now that I'm sure where
my path leads me, it does
not despair me as it did
once upon a time when
darken trails led nowhere
or brought enlightenment.
All troubles are not sorrows
we would like to forget in
moments of being alone, they
are the power of achievements.
Moments of being alone are
like flowers waiting for the water
they are so thirsty.
We need the knowledge to understand
the work before we begin the
We tumble dry till we know
the fall will never be so
bewildering crashing without
finding the truth.
It is rather pleasant knowing
life has struggles we fight
they make us strong to take
another leap toward a brighter
One day at a time, one
moment to moment
is worth pain
if we learn the
whole truth
of life.
So keep falling into the
unknown till you stop
worrying how long
you're going to fall!
Keep reaching within yourself
till you find your love-fire in
your soul, that will be the knowing
you have been waiting for all your life.
Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Into the Unknown
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