Your Embrace
Visions blinding, balance steady
distance gathering silent applause
drifting slowly through peace among
loves sweet embrace.
Love gathering strength, promises
fulfilled, at last, dreams grow, rivers
flow steady, life has blossomed
calming nights love sweet essence
filled without vanishing realities.
You are so beautiful sweet love, your
touch, fresh has a breeze in summer
time, your sweetness holds me
prisoner, your voice calming
your arms hold me tenderly, safe
at last in my own reality.
Thought I knew love, not really!
I suddenly feel racing in my
heart, your eyes blue, your hair
fair, your embrace magical, you
have always loved me, I just never
knew how much, till you once again
entered back into my life, now all
that was, will never be, just memories
that never should have been, now your
close, a dream finally coming true.
Where have you been so long my
Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Your Embrace
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