
You Chased the Geese

You Chased The Geese August 1, 2015
You chased the Geese and we said goodbye
My little friend, why did you have to die?
Taken from the family, miss you, we still cry
Little Robbie, no chance to say goodbye
Licks and wagging tail no more
Your gone, we won't have you anymore
We miss our friend, enjoy your new life in the sky
The day you left every body cried
Lovely friend we miss you and still ask why
You're in our thoughts and always in our dreams
We'll be a family someday, that's the way it seems
You'll be our family friend again forever till the end
You were so beautiful my Robbie, why did you have to go away
You were part of the family, with us everyday
You chased the Geese and we said goodbye
My little friend, why did you have to die?
Gerrard McGeachy

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