
‘' You're Where Hatred Cannot Be Traced ‘'

The choice is ours,
To love or hate,
To choose what sours,
Some can't wait,
For endless hours,
They live to berate,
What a terrible waste.

Love gives pleasure,
To one and all,
It's a human treasure,
To stand ten feet tall,
There is no measure,
So, to love, don't stall,
On happiness this is based.

To bear ill will,
Comes at a cost,
It can make you ill,
Yes, leave you lost,
If love you instil,
It can melt the frost,
Love and hate are interlaced.

Inner content,
Is derived from affection,
It can circumvent,
Give a new direction,
To a greater extent,
It gives you protection,
It stops you acting in haste.

Life though hard,
Like love it's a gift,
It can leave you scarred,
It can give you a lift,
Hatred discard,
Cure that rift,
Your future must always be faced.

It's now that time,
Make your choice,
A mountain to climb?
Use love as your voice,
Let those bells chime,
It's time to rejoice,

‘' You're Where Hatred Cannot Be Traced ‘'

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