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Slumbering Desires


Peace flowing deeply across my mind

with penetrating emotions, collecting

thoughts filled with satisfying impressions

of my last truest feeling down my trail

of distant land memories


Slumbering desires bring forth, a message

that calms the savage beast, while in the

mist of attention appears a purified substance

that controls perfectly to the fullest, a desire

of oneness.


Once before consequences were damaging

to minds matter and alertness, notes were

taken to continue on with life long methods

of awakening the subconscious without

a thought.


Today, awareness should be awakened approved to our

un-appealing world, with knowledge and understanding

equal rights of man, with no permission, to take over life

only mind control connecting a new generation to another

power of control, enlightening forces to take over an

imaginary existence of unconscious matter.


A wonderment of experimental methods, share all

living entities to the point of a never-ending death

as we know it in a gratified galaxy not known to

flesh and blood species of our eternal universe.


Taken souls are transferred to plants of life's under

world and attentive achievements of interdenominational

souls to live altogether united in peace and perfected

properties of truth and untouchable domains of

knowledgeable informational spheres.


Hence! we travel toward a new world of depth

and dimensional knowledge, to achieve a more

perfect union within our higher-consciousness.



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