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The End(hey hopefully no more depressed love poems *fingers crossed*)

I know I'm confusing after everything that happened
I laid out my feelings and was super real
yet, when I saw what was at stake after you said nothing
the vulnerability I let
I realized that I would save face
but at this point it's not about that, it's about me
I have put you first, but what about me?
no one has been there to love me, only to screw with my emotions
so me moving on doesn't mean I don't love you
I kinda wish that you would leave me alone just because it's easier to move on that way
but like I don't want you to leave me alone… because you're an amazing friend
and I couldn't I mean can't lose that…
so yeah, this is the end
I need me, not you
you need help, not me.

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The End(hey hopefully no more depressed love poems *fingers crossed*)

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