Prophecy and Poetry

89,039 poems read

A Note From Judy Feb 5, 2022

Dear Family and Friends,

Please be encouraged that God is our refuge as you lean on him in prayer.
For those who are fearful and have taken the jab and now realized the harm.
Some of the jabs were placebos for obvious reasons. But God has been warning
about it for a long time. Here in America/Babylon God has been calling us close
to him and out of the lies and deceptions in the so-called places of leadership and
ones we grew up knowing and trusting. Do you trust a doctor more than God?

Ask yourself who your trust is in. God warned us in his Word all these things
would be happening. Now, this jab is not a precursor to the mark but a part of it.
The bibe doesn't just say the mark would be in the right hand or forehead but
it also says don't take the name or number of the name. In the pattened has
Lucrece and 060606. However, if you do realize you were trusting man and
sorcery over God, you can repent and turn to him and ask him to set you free.

The church was called out of the Babylonish systems and was to worship
God in spirit and in truth through surrender to Adonai and His son Yeshua
through prayer and faith. Read His Word and put your faith in God alone.

I said earlier to be encouraged. Repent and turn back to God as our all and
all. I realize there are serious medical conditions and people feel they need
surgery or must go to the Doctor. It is so important that you are putting on your
armor daily and using your spiritual sword (Bible-prayer-worship-surrender
to God's Will) and ask God everything and ask Him to guide you.

When I had a bloody mole recently I told God He was going to have
to do something and told me to use the authority I had in Him and had me
place my finger on it and command it to dry up and fall off and so it did the
next day. Hallelujah!!! Psalm 91:9 tells us to say, "The Lord is our Refuge"
and no disaster will come near our dwelling." It is time to wake up and quit
playing church and be the church. Oneness by the Holy Spirit, repentance
confession, and relation with the Lord. He is coming to destroy those psychopaths
tare and their helpers who are trying to kill people and is separating the wheat
and tare. So come out of her my people so you do not share in her sin or
receive a part of her plagues. God has warned about this vaccine since He
gave me a vision on 08. But the revelation has been unfolding before our

The Good News is that Jesus died for us so we can have an eternity
in paradise with him. All it takes is faith. Confess with our mouth Jesus/Yeshua
is Lord and let him come into our heart and make a full surrender to His Spirit
that is a deposit of Him in us. He heals the broken-hearted and binds up
their wounds and sets the captives free. If we die in this world we wake up in
paradise. But God is. coming back to set up his kingdom that already began
in the spirit when he died and sent His spirit. You are connected to Him!
He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world. We must know Jesus
to be reconciled to the Father. He has great plans for you but you must put
your trust in him for He says wo to those who trust in Egypt. (the world)

I believe it is very possible by what I am learning about the Feasts of the
Lord, that the Feast of Trumpets this year may be the rapture of the first fruits
(144000, 2 witnesses) they are not gone for long but come back in power
to rid this earth of wickedness. God is love and holiness. He will not allow this
to continue. We are going to see mighty things but the false Christ rising for
a moment will come in lying signs and wonders. God bless you with His
wisdom and discernment. Stay close to him through surrender, faith, prayer,
Word. He will use this hour of testing to purify our hearts and make us
ready. If you have any questions ask HIM then you can write me at

Love in Christ, Judy

ps God is revealing much about the feast of Tabernacles. 2 Chronicles 5-7 Cleanse and rededicate
our temple and praise him and he will come and consume us!!! We must unite by the HOLY SPIRIT