~Inspirational & Heart-felt Poetry~

Inner Strength

Inner Strength 807

There are times where I personally do not feel strong at all when it comes to dealing with life; but it has been said by many whom, I have ran into that I am a strong women.

Even though I have been called a strong women, I have to find my own Inner Strength. Finding one's own Inner Strength is harder said then done! Inner Strength can very from person to person.

Inner Strength for me comes in many forms but one of them is my poetry with writing. Sometimes my poems will rhythm other times they will not.

Inner Strength for me comes by having gone through some horrendous tragedies in my life that have given me strength because I have overcome them.

What may you say those are, 1 of which if you don't know me you will never know, but the others very from struggles of the heart, struggles from the mind, struggles of being a part of a divorced broken family, to a 6 year relationship to a breakup, to mental to physical stressful situations. This doesn't really even begin to express my inner struggles I have had but each situation has given me more inner Strength with each passing day. One of which I have struggled with sometimes as nightmares as memories flush back but being in a marriage helps.

Inner Strength comes from within and sometimes from the battles you face but remember, you can do all things through Christ.

Have you found your Inner Strength or are you still searching?

By Arielle Ferguson
On 3/27/2021

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Inner Strength

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