Train up a child in the way he or she should go!

O Train up a child in the way that he or she should go!
And when he or she is old, he/she will not depart from it!
Children learn what they live and children live what they learn!
We need to teach our children well in order for them to know
The difference between darkness and light! Between what is
Wrong and what is right! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise our Lord!

O We need to teach our children the difference between boys and
The difference between girls! "Male and female created He them!"
A young and impressionable child should not be daily asked by his/her
So called teachers! "Do you want to be a boy today or do you want to
Be a girl!" Thus only causing gender confusing among our young! Why
Should a little girl ask her father is she is a boy or a girl! Hallelujah!

O Loving parents should always provide for the basic needs of their
Children! The world teaches people how to invest in their entire cycle of
Life! But it is ill equipped to teach people to instruct our children about
The real and honest informational op-pinons concerning Jesus Christ!
For if they acknowledge His existence at all! They only acknowledge Him
As an ordinary man but not the Son of God and the Son of Man!

O At a young age parents should practice what the preach and benefit from
What they teach their own children! This is the very most important decision
That both parents and their children can learn in their lives! What shall they do
With the person of Jesus Christ? Should they follow the voices of the world that
Continues to reject Him? Thus perishing in their very own sinful natures!

O Parents should learn that Jesus Christ provides not only security in this life but
Also security in their lives after their earthly deaths! Jesus Christ is our only source
And the only guarantee! For there is no other name given among either men or
Women but Jesus Christ by which we must be saved! Jesus Christ is the Way, the truth
And the Life and no man or no woman comes to the Father but through Him! If we
Confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts that God has raised Jesus Christ from

The dead! We will be saved! For it shall come to pass, that in the last days, all of us who
Call upon the Lord shall be saved. For if we confess our sins and believe on the name of
The Lord Jesus Christ, we shall be saved! For if the Son set us free than we are truly reborn
Indeed! For the wages of sin is death but the gift of life is our Lord and our Savior, Jesus
Christ! For with the mouth our confessions are made for our salvation's! And inside our hearts
Deliverance is made from everlasting death, hell and the grave! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!

Love in Christ Jesus!
Roxanne Lea Dubarry
Roxy Lea/ October Country
Poetry 111/3385
April 30, 2022

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Train up a child in the way he or she should go!