Poetic Verses

Oh Father

This is a happy occasion, one in which we honour
Those gentlemen that stand up to that task of a father
Defying all those odds in such trying times
Keeping the welfare of the children foremost on their minds

Now we the ones fortunate to be blessed
Will now demonstrate to the love we possess
For those ones so resolved and did not waver
Doing their job do wonderful in every quarter

And as we now quickly appreciate that date
There are so many things on the appreciative plate
So there can be such s time to make a decision
About doing something suitable for this special occasion

He might be someone who likes to be busy
So something must be found to suit his fancy
Getting the right tool would be very likely
Do that he may continue with that hobby

My dad I knew what he want in every instance
It was colognes with those aromatic fragrance
So when a new one hit the scene, this I would get
I liked the way this made his eyes lit

But how can we really thank such a person
Who demonstrated such love with no attached condition
As they too such a time to prepare and steer
Because they knew a time shall come where they will be no longer there

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