story poem RANDSOME

My day started off terrific
Have a great tasting coffee
The sun bright how fantastic
What a great day it is going to be
One more stop for me to get
A great breakfast would just top my day
This is one breakfast I would never forget
To eat those terrific pancakes taste that's all I need to say
Once I entered my favorite spot
People all so quiet and still
Then I heard a gun shot
That's where I started feeling ill
A masked man had a gun in his hand
That's when I pissed myself standing at the door
Sit down and be quiet was his demand
Not on a chair, but the floor
Sir, sir! I wanted to know
Can I go to the bathroom to clean up
I wet my pants my pee just flowed
No! sit down as he started to erupt
But sir, sir I might catch a cold
Shut up you idiot or you will catch a bullet instead
Stay quiet if you want to grow old
But sir, sir the smell is so bad everybody face is turning red
Just you opening your mouth is driving me nuts
So, I repeat just sit and be quiet
Ok sir I will not utter another peep I will be a little mutt
I don't want to cause any kind of a riot
Ok you people give me your wallets and purses
Sir, sir, sorry but I forgot my wallet at home
Buddy, you have become my curse
So, one last time, shut the hell up, there is no place to roam
Anyone got duct tape so I can close his mouth
I didn't think so just my luck
Sir sir I know where to get some head south
At this store it only cost a buck
Listen you dummy I have the gun, so I have the power
Now everyone toss your stuff up here
Hurry I want out of here before it goes soar
Dummy collect all of it your too dumb to have any fear
Sir, sir where did you want me to put it
Hold on to it you're going with me
Sir, sir, I can't I have a dr. appointment
Sorry dummy but I have somewhere I have to be
Just consider this is a complement
Does this mean I am going to be a hostage?
Dummy I consider saying my quest
Not to worry you are the last thing I want on my quest
Oh boy I never been a hostage before
Can I get a picture of us then I have proof?
Dummy you are crazy, did your mom have any more
Nope they stopped after having me, they thought I was a goof
Smart parents, they did not want to take another chance
Sir, sir will we be long my favorite tv show is on
Believe if I get away you will be gone considering your circumstance
Sir, sir, this sounds like fun never knew where I belonged
Yep, dummy your mind is beyond

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story poem RANDSOME

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