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A Journey Through Shadows

In shadows deep, where darkness weaves,
A battle fought within the leaves,
Depression's weight, a heavy shroud,
But there's a way to rise, unbowed.

Amid the storm, remember this,
You're not defined by abyss,
Within your heart, a flame still burns,
A chance to heal, for hope returns.

Seek not the path to face alone,
Let love and help your heart enthrone,
Reach out to those who hold your hand,
Together, you will firmly stand.

Embrace the whispers of the sun,
Let nature's beauty be your run,
In every petal, every tree,
A reminder of what can be.

Engage in arts that free your mind,
A canvas wide, where thoughts unwind,
Through words or colors, let them flow,
Express your soul, let feelings grow.

And in this journey, day by day,
Remember healing finds its way,
With patience, kindness, and self-care,
You'll find the strength to rise and share.

For in the depths, a spark remains,
A chance to break depression's chains,
With time and effort, you will find,
The light you thought you left behind.


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A Journey Through Shadows

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