Exquisite Expressions by Exrea 

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 The Gift  08/1980

There was a man who walked in Galilee.
This man named Jesus died for you and me.
This great sacrifice left us the gift of grace.
By His grace we're set free, the whole human race.
Just suppose, for an instant, that He took his gift back.
The trust and faith in all men would go off track.
The world as we know it would no longer be.
I can scarcely conceive anything so repulsive to me.
But rest assured, our Father left His word.
Some may contest it, but they've been detoured---
For this great evil, few will dispute.
Eventually, they'll have to make restitute.
To those who will listen and open their eyes.
The devil will trick you to believe your own lies.
Don't let him lull you asleep into false security.
You'll parish, misled into hell for all eternity.
Before ever you can be at peace in your heart.
At last, you must see and believe His damnation to depart.
So let us trust in that gracious Being.
By His grace, we'll all rejoice and sing!

© 8/80

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