A Cage To Hold My Dreams

My Lady Of The Lake

This thing between us, would it not be grand
if we could be ourselves beyond this week
with so much care on this trip I had planned
were it to fail, what comfort could I seek
except in solitude, alone, where I
adrift in brooding silence, cry aloud
my thoughts to God and to his empty sky
--empty, save for one uncertain cloud.

The loving spirit is a toy balloon
which climbs or falls upon the simplest breeze
and when it falls, a mean and glowering moon
is all which the distracted lover sees
As now I feel this pull upon my heart
which you don't want but nonetheless exert
I must make certain it is not the start
of our enduring friendship being hurt.

Whatever my misgivings, I believe
within my soul that I, in this short while
have found more love again than some achieve
in half a lifetime. Hold my hand and smile
but don't look back if you decide to go,
my mystery girl, my lady of the lake
In loving you the risk is great, I know
but its a chance which I'm prepared to take.

                     Loch Hyne, Co Cork, 080303

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