A Cage To Hold My Dreams

Give Daylight  A Reason For Staying

Give daylight a reason for staying,
coax her to remain, fond and warm
for every time her dusky sister beckons
          I die a bludgeoned death.
          She is not to be trusted,
she is mayhem clothed in black emeralds,
          raising my hopes with her
bramble-juice lips and splashing my seed
          onto groaning phantoms.
Stay with me, sunlight, for I am scared of
your sister's enticing lamb-softness.
          Feed me another golden nugget
before I am hauled screaming into
her labyrinth where corners never meet
          and dozens of bodies wait
for the gloved hands of the undertaker.
At night I stare at the ceiling for hours
through phlegm-clotted eyes.  I count
          the mistakes of my life fanned
out around me like slices of crispbread
and queening it over the chaos, fuelling
my misery, sits my black-eyed angel,
          delighted to have me
in her clutches for another few hours.

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