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 UNDEAD (Free Verse)


(Free Verse)

With no ladders or ropes to climb
You're inside the cage again...
To your futile rescue no one
Shall come...
Undead a creature of the night
That's what you are  
That's what you've become for so long
You're a creature of the night
In the outer of your body the temperature rises
And then it goes completely down...
No more...no more warmth no more a pulse there to find
No more inside your heart will be beating
Underneath all that beauty...your flesh had
Long corrupted...decayed to pieces...
All your striking good looks in the long run...
They matter no more,no more glances you can ever take them back...
No more reflections...the looking glass don't lie
To look back you can't ever your figure...your face
To stir any so called emotions that dwell still deep in you...
Your drink from endless cup of pain death and fear...
Your cup has runneth over...run down...dried and empty
In your eyes only the fountain of blood you see...
Endlessly you only seek...
From your pallid lips no more love to be found...just to be
Only blood you quenched over and over again...every night
In your dreams for another victim you seek...in the shadows forever
You dwell...
Another lost soul...in time you're frozen once more
Counting the hours to sunset, in your coffin of death and all that's dead...
Awaiting in the shadows you're walking undead...already hearing
In your ears the sounds of her dying screams, her final heart's beat
Already sounding louder the fountain of her warm blood...Spilling...
Faster and faster and then only the drops that are left...dripping...
The sound of her untiming death is music already to your ears...to your soulless dreams...
She has become tonight another of your victims...with her passing
She has quenched for a short while your need, your thirst...
Giving you life with her blood...keeping you alive...and for her
There's nothing...left.

Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000


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