A Cage To Hold My Dreams


I have had a brush with
mortality, which reminded me
of the fragility of human beings.
I awoke to a bagful of doubts
thrown down outside my door.
Before it happened I felt
secure and important.
I see things differently now.
The colours are swept away,
everything is stark and real and
frighteningly black and white.

Time is precious and to waste it
is unforgivable. A well-spent life
is measured by what we are,
and by the love which we give,
not by years we are alive
or the money that we make.
Anyone's death reaffirms with
fearful certainty that none of
us has long to play with,
that nobody matters greatly.
It strips away the lies
and the vanities behind which
we conceal our true selves,
it forces upon us truths which
we would prefer to not confront

At many bedsides I have seen
fear conquered, suffering
overcome, love triumphant.
In moments of extreme
suffering, that is when you
see the beauty and nobility of
the human spirit.
The footprint which I shall
leave will be small, and will
disappear soon after me,
but I no longer think about that.
I shall not fail myself again.
I have had a brush with mortality,
I see things differently now,
I know what is important.

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