It's been a long journey through the back roads of my life,
a young barefoot orphan boy from a small town in North
Central Missouri to the Eiffel Tower.
The years quickly passed in the winds of time.
A loving wife, two beautiful babies. Then off to the
jungles of South Vietnam which left me with no
rhythm or rhyme.
Upon returning, things had changed, but life went
on. The struggles and joys of daily life continued.
The babies grew up and had families of their own.
The years have quickly slipped by.
People that I'd known all my life begin to die.
Then the unexpected occurred, my Darling wife of fifty three
years passed away overnight. Devastating this old man's life.
But the people that I made this life long journey with has made it
worth the anxieties and struggles. Sharing their lives with me,
nothing could be more rewarding, you see.
I'll soon be gone, but my spirit will always live on.
The journey is sometimes more important
than the destination.