Pastor Linda Sharing God's Love 
  Linda Begley

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 ~*~I   Exalt Thee...~*~

Your name is JESUS...
My friend throughout eternity
Even if you slay me
This I will take as a test of  my faith in thee
I will exalt thee Lord
Even whilst being in a valley
There's been friends and family that's shunned me
Yet my Lord Jesus' love shall forever be
You're my rock,my staff,my renewed strength
In a world without windows
You are my light,your love and words are the key
While many walk in darkness
By your stripes and grace, in faith I shall trust thee
Easter is not about bunnies to me
It's when my Lord arose from the dead
After being crucified and a crown of
thorns was embedded in your head
You were beaten,mocked and spit upon
Nailed to the cross and speared in the side
For all our sins to be forgotten
My precious Lord after you endured all this
Still there's evildoers that your gift of love they dismiss
Use me as a tool Lord
Help me to make them see
Your love they should turn to
For to set their troubled souls free
Thank-you Lord for loving me unconditionally
I shall forever exalt thee!!
copyright(C)Linda Begley
Easter Mar.27,2005

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