Everyday poetry for pleasure
Sylvia Spencer
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A waist of Time

This poem is written about a clock that never told the right time.

Why is my clock always slow
it always plays up
when I have somewhere to go.
Why does my clock,
never tell the right time.
When it chimes eight,
it's way past nine.
why does this clock
find problems, on the hour.
It still has it's pendulum
but there is not much power
This clock would never do,
as an alarm
When it's time to getup
it remains very calm.
This clock is such a troublesome thing
I sometimes think
it needs a new spring.
When I wind it up
the key can hardly get round,
then all of a sudden
it makes a funny sound
It's time my clock
was changed to Quartz
then that should cure
all it's faults.
With a battery inside,
my clock will be just fine
Then I will always
get to work, in plenty of time.

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