one soldier's thoughts
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 why is it soo hard?
breaking my heart slowly, painfully
ripping it from the cavity of my body
hurting deep inside..
past my soul, past my spirit
draining my life of every living cell
anything that will keep me alive
my dreams shattered..
gone, unable to be retrieved
no more i love yous
to be herd out your mouth
not even a call good night
just to here a voice
I'm itching to hold you
to feel your warm body against mine
but every muscle i move
makes u seem to run and hide..
i don't know what it is any more
i don't know what has been destroyed
but why is it so hard.. to fix this
try to mend those holes
i want to make it work
to rebuild our love
i am lost with out you
no way to find my "home"
my security, my hero, my protector
so why is it becoming so hard
too difficult and so stressful
isn't there a simpler way
to go back to wear we were that first day
those first months we spent together
missing u everyday i was away
poems and flowers and cards
falling head over heals every time we talked
my heart skipping a beat for every kiss
so why is this becoming impossible to mend
why don't the pieces fit any more
its like one minute u love me
you show me you care
the next its like I'm not there
no response to my affection
my touch to your skin
you leave me alone minutes on end
just sitting there waiting
wondering how much longer you will be
so why is it so hard to see
so hard to hear
so hard to need this to work out
to blow over?
why is it so hard to sit down and talk
to tell each other whats on our minds
how we feel
and what needs to be done
look into each others eyes and say it all
leaving out no detail
knowing this might cause pain
i want to start a new foundation
a place were we can grow again
so why is it so hard baby?
please tell me this if you can

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