M's Poetry


After all we have been through
you would think we would hate each other's guts
so many in and outs
enough to make a sane person go nuts
but it's true that after all the chaos
a friendship was still a possibility
and not all was lost
because even though love didn't work out
we still found a way to hold our heads high
cuz we are okay

it's okay, we are cool
we were never conventional anyway
who says we have to follow the rules?
I am comfortable with seeing you with her
and you with me and him
it would have tore me up a few years back
but the circle meets
and after all we are okay

It's more like brother and sister
a while back I would have never said this
but something changed
turned my pain....into something other than sorrow
because no matter what happens
I always knew somehow you would be in my tomorrow
a smile now where the eyes once cried
the heart that breaks can really heal
and it doesn't always have to be a goodbye

2005@ Copyright by Megan Bishop

196,963 Poems Read
