Straight To The Heart. By Sherri Whittaker

Gain Instead of Loss

I only want to visit,
I just don't understand.
She says it will be raining,
we need another plan

To visit with your mother,
shouldn't be this way.
Neither of us know,
if we'll have another day.

She tells me that she loves me,
‘I miss you', she will state.
But the way that things are going,
someday may be too late.

I only want to see her,
I miss her since I'm gone.
She only wants to see me,
when she is alone.

My family, they resent me,
I truly don't know why.
For being the best I can be?
It hurts, sometimes I cry.
They always stay in trouble,
with the wrong side of the law.
The only time I hear from them,
is when in trouble, they will call.

Now I don't claim to understand,
what goes on in their head.
But I often have to wonder,
would they miss me if I were dead?

We all lead different lives,
most assuredly that's the truth.
I just made a different choice,
when I was in my youth.

To be the best that I could be,
no matter what the cost.
I just wish that they could choose,
gain instead of loss.

©  copyright 2005  Sherri Lynn Whittaker August 25, 2005

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Gain Instead of Loss

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