Pure Thoughts

Queen of my Heart

My queen, your pretty eyes are captivating
Your luscious mind is electrifying
Looks are beyond the skin
You are my spiritually guided Queen, who is my ocean
just knowing that you are in my presence washes over me,
Flooding me with high emotions
Your current is so sweet like the smell of roseberry lotion
Mystery lies deep within your soul
A vast body of life which is in control
When we touch skin to skin
Your unique and special voice calls out to me,
while the seagulls start singing in the ocean breeze,
one simple melody of yearning,
That longs for a special place to be
each deep breath I take its never a mistake,
that your salty tears wrap around me,
Longing to be with you,
When I am asleep and awake
you are a precious jewel of the night sky,
Your mental energy drew me to a place of peace,
My heart fills with pleasure, it just makes me cry
For you are the Queen of my heart that I cherish so dearly/
when we look into each others eyes I can see them shine so clearly

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Queen of my Heart

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