M's Poetry

There's Gonna  Be Angel

There's gonna be angel
who's gonna greet me one day
tell me to rest because the journey is over
here I can still a while
gonna be able to talk to my loved ones
gonna see those streets of gold
all perfect and paved
it's gonna be lovely
and Lord I just can't wait

There's gonna be a angel
to come and take my spirit up high
gonna sing to me, in this new body I will surely smile
victory will be mine in all these days
riding the beautiful crescent of eternal time
oh how I long to be there oh Lord
oh how do I imagine the scenery

There's gonna be a angel
who sits right here, strokes my head and comforts me
tells me she will be back soon
she is in the process of creating my wings
so one day may I fly in bliss
far far away to my kingdom in the sky.....

2005@ Copyright by Megan Bishop

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