I hate to be around you, you think you're so slick,
Wanna wipe away problems with the flick of a Bic;
Then put on black shades to hide your red eyes,
You get on my nerves with your lies and your highs.
I've supported your habit--I never meant to do it,
But over the years, you've grown accustomed to it;
Always smoking your dope and drinking your rum,
You've turned out to be nothing but a stupid bum.
You don't want to work, you're shiftless and lazy,
Want everything around you to look blurry and hazy;
But, listen up, Buddy, I've got news for you,
I'm not gonna let you keep me down and blue.
I'm gettin' outta here, gonna start a new life,
From this moment on, I'm no longer your wife!
I gladly leave you to your women and thugs,
Will you be happy with your liquor and drugs?
Or will you realize once it's way too late,
That having me in your life was always great;
Then run after me full of misery and woe?
Well, guess again, Honey, cause I don't think so!