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 Poetic Feelings

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Beautiful birds soaring along,
Singing a tender trilling love song;
Feathers resting upon a cloud,
No tension, no worries, no crowd;
Happy, at peace, free from all care,
Soft breezes brushing through my hair.

Treetops rustling slowly in the wind,
As I lie here I simply refuse to bend;
Let nothing rob me of this bliss,
Enchanting as a sweet, gentle kiss;
No disturbing thoughts of any kind,
Soft breezes soothe and relax my mind.

In my rose garden, I close my eyes,
Purring deep and contented sighs.
I'm like a spoiled little furry kitten,
Snuggled deep inside a warm soft mitten
In this, my most refreshing place;
Soft breezes gently caress my face.

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