M's Poetry

Classrooms and Hallways

Classrooms and Hallways

I went back to my old school today
as I went into the familiar rooms
I recalled so much that use to happen
seventh grade seems so far distant
but coming back I remebered Johnny
the class clown, the cute boy
he had a answer for everything
he was always so friendly, always so nice.....

But the classrooms and hallways
are echoing such sadness
here years ago something very tragic
Johnny was found hanging from the drama stage
with a poem about loneliness
found in his front pocket on a page
the boy we thought was so carefree and happy
was anything but.....he was like a abandoned puppy

slow chain of mistakes
with one dramatic decision
a young life carried in a hearse
and I stopped and stared at the stage for a moment
remebering my third period class
as we happened upon it
the scene so surprising
the whole class screamed and grasped
I couldn't believe my eyes
neither could the teachers
desperately scrambling us to the next room
in the gym on the bleachers
it took me the next day to truly understand

most of us went to the funeral
seeing his mother argue with the preacher
he didn't want to live
where he wasn't wanted
it's just so un excusable nobody stopped to tell him
he really did matter
he was loved
he told me once he wanted to be a comedian
it's just so sad he stopped laughing.....

2006@ Megan Watkins

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