An old poem found from ‘98
Thoughts coming alive With enough faith And hardly a doubt in mind With enough courage and enough support At the end of the tunnel It's your goal that you'll find Dreams becoming reality No looking back And with your head held high With enough persistence And the Good Lord's assistance You'll have all you need to get by Wishes shining bigger and brighter than stars No more wondering who you are Just keep praying On what you wished that night Think positive, think right You could get your wish You just might With enough patience And enough determination Enough audacity, enough tenacity Enough spirit, enough heart, enough belief You will be lifted from all of your grief You can achieve anything To your fullest capacity Anything can happen to you If you truly believe Set your mind to it And you'll see that Wishes and dreams do come true After all if wishes and dreams didn't come true I would have never met you ¥☼MOI☼¥ 29 Oct 98 Vote for this poem