Your memory will be a scar upon my heart,
It was put there on the day we were to part,
The saddest, loneliest day I have ever felt,
My world fell apart and my heart did melt.
I can`t think of anything to heal this scar,
Nothing I have ever felt has been on this par,
When I see you, I wonder if you still care,
It`s the not knowing that makes it so unfair.
It was on the cards my heart would be broke,
It was hard `cause on the words you did choke,
I cried so hard I could hardly hear you,
But my heart told me what I already knew.
We would have been good together you know
This was already apparent and did show,
Everything became a blur when we met,
Only we existed, so the scene was set.
What we did was worth the risk in my book,
All I have to do now is go back and look
At the time we had together you and I,
Short and sweet but our limit was the sky.
If I could go back to the times we had met,
I`d of crammed more into them, yes – but yet
Special `cause the time was only ours to borrow,
Therefore, our parting was always full of sorrow.
From the shops, to the farm to see the horse,
Arms around me, we let nature take its course,
Raindrops did fall from the blue sky on high
So into the back seat of your car we did fly.
You held me close and whispered to me,
"I want you to stay, `cause I Love You, you see".
"What are we like" you would ask with a smile,
That`s another memory for my file.
That was our last time together, forever,
No more the breath from my lungs will you sever,
Remember that last kiss so gentle and pure,
A kiss of ALL kisses, of this I am sure.