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 Vegans and Vegaterians

Vegans and Vegaterians
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Half-baked lies and friendly flies , is what most poor people eat.
Lemon drops and candy and choclate kisses aer too sweet.
Eye eat MEAT.I like the burgers AND the dogs,
sandwiches of all kinds , but BEEF is best for me.
Chicken I have found elimanates from me,
I place it on the ground,when eye am early bound for the Bus Sun Tran.
The Chicken finds no place in me.
It does not slide away; but drops from me almost perfectly,
in the form of one hard cylinder.
My brother always tells me , Chicken would be the main course
iff he could have chicken every day.
He is still a villager.
I was never guilty of being part of my own family,
whatever I had always belonged to me myself and eye,
and now yew tew.
Eye have to feed all four of me.
It takes a lot of meat,and sometimes a little bread instead,
to feed the whole of me.
Eye am dead.
That death is certain eye no longer fear.
My own destruction will just aid me in my journey to the Heaven.
Simple minds aer best,and ladies finery aer best,
carrotts and celery and spinach is best,
and corn and beans is the best substitute for the meat.
Daniel in the Lions Den,was eating PUCE , a vegetable.
He was a Vegan disdaining the King`s venison.
He could not and would not face corruption.
Astounded by the Revelation , the Book Of Daniel tells
of nations , torn asunder by the sword,
plundered by the soldiers eating meat.
Not the Vegans or the Vegaterians.
Non-pulsed is what I am when I am eating meat.
Daniel of the Bible is a Vegan to all the Vegaterians.
They have no meat , and no corruption.

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