M's Poetry

Three Windows

Three Windows

She's practicing saying I do or I will
cuz she don't know how to tell him
that she's going off the pill
she wants kids
he just wants a job not so shi**y
she undresses while he looks away
desperation can make you do some crazy things
and nine months he might be thinking the same

so they met on Tuesday at the town hall steps
to get an eight by ten photo
and a wedding date set
no white wedding
just never ending mistakes
so say cheese to your life
I now present to you your wife
but look real close
he sure ain't smiling

nine months later and many fights remebered
baby girl arrives in November
but she isn't smiling
she won't get the happy ending
they say it was sids
he found her in her crib
he's practicing grieving or remorse
you decide....
there is always three windows of choice

2006@ Megan Watkins

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