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Half Full, Half Empty

Ever feel like the glass that is half full, half empty? Like somethings there and then next there's nothing? It often comes to my mind but I try not to think about it. By feeling half-full, is like being hungry but consuming only half of your food or is it like being sleep but your still awake? Maybe it's something like getting or understanding half of the joke. It could be more deeper and personal. Something that could possibly shake the foundation, of all feelings and emotions or it could it be something simple like only loving someone one way and not consider the other way. Just maybe that's what being half-full is like. Then here comes the other factor of it all...being half-empty. The feeling of half-empty could possibly feel like being with someone for so long and then the relationship is no more and a sense of emptiness sets in. If half-empty feels like that...I do not want any part of it what so ever. Maybe it's more emotional rather than physical. Half-empty could also mean not being whole or not being a whole person. Just maybe being half-empty is not bad...just depends on the situation at hand. If the feeling half-full, half-empty makes one individual happy then so be it. But if you want to be full then pour more water into your glass or if they want to be empty, then pour whats left down the drain.

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