Perry Campanella

36,208 poems read


To my : Nancy Ann L

Dreaming is of a curious nature
They are always so amazing, dreams
so complex, sometime they are fun,
entertaining playful thoughts...

I'll show you, I mean, take for
instance my Wife and I, we lay
down to sleep together naturally,
she is special subconsciously,
or am I only dream'n...

One day I was dreaming my dream
curiously, finding myself half
awake, I still remember saying
how are you, just as I arose and
in a faint, I hear OK ALL DAY

day and in a slumber, while coming
up from Down Under, having said where
is the Dog, I thought I heard her
answer faintly, once again, IN the yard
scared of the thunder

so amazing, I took a sleeping aid, in a
flash I dream't once more, when I awoke
this time, after saying where is the broom
definitely heard, in the Bath-room (a siy)

now the forth time asleep, the alarm clock
struck at four, I said where is the cat
WOW under your hat...
still not convinced

I waited instead of counting sheep, this
time I did not sleep, and said quietly in
one ear not to awake her, Dear where...
is the sky, I fell out of bed Laughing
with what she had said, Oh silly I'm not
shy! and I'm not asleep