Poems of Charles Hice 

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 Delilah ewe

Delilah ewe
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Do not force me to my knees in darkness with my eyes left both unfocused do not bind me with the chains of utter darkness in the fetterments of worldy workings do not plow with them that hate me
Do not shorn my hair of longing do not shear the sheep in winter make his binding only wanting
They that slay me in my blindness they do not love thee like this man does do not banish me to Harkness
Tower my name is never Quasimodo even eye am not the Samson of Delilah; Harkness Tower could have been where Esmeralda danced for Quasimodo and made him man. The bearded long hair Samson was lost in his desire for the Delilah when she kissed him he would plow the furrow deep she sighed complete.
The poor man sleeps and wishes and he wants ewe.
Eye want to marry the poor mans daughter she is my harkness. We will live somewhere besides the water and the bay but never in the tower.
And ewe will learn to eat some fish and drink more water for eye love her and now the poem is replete with one more item of decay. Deer roe dear mye ewe just kiss for eye am guilty of mye love. Eye am SIR KAY the Blackened knight of all my sight leaning toward the north the moss is growing on my sword.
Eye have been busy in my dream of wanting thee again please keep me in thy memory instead of all thy friends.

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