Poems of Charles Hice 

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 The Library Book

The Library Book
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Once when eye was still at home in a more innocent time when pears grew on the trees in trespassed yards and people hated me for their own reasons
eye used to go to the lie berry on the corner from my house and take books home with me and once eye kept one and they found it in my room concerned only with the book they wanted that same book back to hook another poor sucker in to reel him in to make him pay the fine for the over due book again. It costed me $28.43 dollars and cents the money was a problem so eye whitewashed a fence like TOM T SAWYER would have done to pay the fine. The only thing it taught me the only thing eye learned at all was never to have an address and never to check a book out or own anything at all. It made me bitter at an early age it taught me hate.

It made this primate an ingrate and almost an inmate. The price of a good paperback book then was only $4.43 they took from me the $24 more.

For a square unread hardcover library book. It made me look like a crook.

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