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 The Road to Golgotha

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Long was the walk burdened by cross
Crowded the streets filled with the lost
Painful each step making his way
To Golgotha, dark was the day

Whips would crack on bones shattered
Wounds would gush and blood splatter
Across the road where he would fall
Witnessed by eyes, false prophet called

Spat upon, and stones would fly
Despising looks, ghastly were cries
To kill this man who never lied
The lust for death, to watch him die

Fall he would with weight he bared
The ignorrance of man he spared
Would crush the hope not seen by them
Hate fell like rain and him condemn

The road was hard but it was walked
Centuries would pass, the world still talks
Of Him that saved more than the day
Of Him whose life for you he layed

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