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  Jackie Kays

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 The Old Veteran

In his confused mind he thinks of long past times,
but names and places seldom rhyme.
He ponders, he strains to remember
those faces and names.  

Many wars he's know,
many lands he's roamed.

War stories overlap,
Song and melodies he vaguely
Memory  full of holes and gaps.

But once upon a time,
his young life was as
sweet as a new born rhyme.

He was debonair, and held
his head high in the air, as
he marched two by two
with men who really cared.

He served  willingly and valiantly,
but most have forgot all that.
Now his days are spent in solitude,
thinking about his war torn  past.

But that's all right…
for his heroic deed will forever last.

A veteran of many wars, that was his lot…
that was his cast.

Jackie R. Kays

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