Poems of Charles Hice 

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So eye can not get the font to change or stay the way eye make it so this is TIMES NEW ROMAN eye guess they all will be the same no changes will adhere to me no matter what eye do the thing just reverts to where it was and always stays the same to somewhat baffle me again.
It's just like the email eye just opened it and it baffled me and challenged me to read it. Oh eye saw it was a survey and they offered me two dollars if eye chose to finish it post haste or in my haste to get the MOOLAH dough RAY was at the show he placed a bet me. Angels of GOD much mightier in power quail to walk among the thorns he set for me. The survey was not finished and when eye made them my reply the thing forgot to tell them why oh my oh my this email business is so shy of making progress in the spoon is where the noodles go and went so fast they make me less and less a hungry man the image of the beast is just my monitor at last eye seem to understand the beast is me eye guess.
When eye went back to the first page of my opening the place eye keep the emails in the survey had a name on it it told me just exactly what it was so eye should read the intro line in my beginnings of my musings to control the added sorrow of the missing ewe. Sew just ignore the deleted
and selected word the missing numero uno is just me and she will only come to call me when I'm up to pee mabe this day can still be salvaged if the light turns green and she comes in to dine with me again.
Then this email will not so seem to be insipid after all.
Please do not let them falter from the halo and then fall.

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