Poems of Charles Hice 

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Have you seen an old old movie starring people in the newspaper businesses?
They had a old timey typewriter with the margin set and the return was manually inclined to be reset with a nod and a frown and for all the world it seemed as iff they was pushing it one way and pulling it the other at the same time
They typed and they retyped and they stopped and looked at the mistakes and they edited the work and they inked the whiteout on the paper and they cussed and took a coffee break and then they wrote a letter of intent to leave this company no I'm sorry eye have been nice so far but now this JOB is monkeying my back and eye must depart for FLORIDA or ZA. FOR all the world it is no different on a computer except for the edit on the paper itself and just ewe try to get a WORD document to spell words the way ewe say ewe want them to be spelled
There there do not ponder the universe or quit your job just EDIT and misspell the words correctly to be found a cosmic winner of the prize and utilize the means of trash disposal to make the end come true and then ewe are a typewriter threw and threw.

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