Poems of Charles Hice 

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 Musick Taken Places

Musick Taken Places
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Some people have that peripheral vision thing and see a clock as an almost time thing to the hour thing. So close they are to being perfect they listen to the musick and when they pause they look up at the time and say it's almost TEN when it's already a minute after them. Some men keep the radio on and sing each and every different song until the end of radio comes. Some men sing only just one song when it comes on they call it the FAVEORITE one. They make it the fave tune of the hour or the workplace soon it is not listened too by them they soon grow tired of the faveorite thing and listen to them all again over and over the time changes and crawls across the clock face on the wall until it drives us all insane the musick comes to hide the clock the clock is gone it was my fave thing that clock one ear was missing from the handle and no one seems to notice it is gone. Some pointless people are punctual sadists almost fascist's clinging to reoldfashioned ideas of time and song. They even take the musick places.

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