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 Judy's Poems & Thoughts of Life

Poem Of Loneliness

Am I here ? Can anyone hear me ?
Can anyone see me ?
Am I visible only to me ?
People walk past me without looking at my face.
They act like I don't fill a space.
Am I so small that they don't know I'm here ?
They speak not to me or know that I'm near.

My father walks past me and into his room,
Not knowing that I'm behind him and feeling
such gloom.
Do we all walk past what we don't understand ?
Instead of facing it forward and extending a hand.

We could all make a change in this world that we know
With genuine compassion and love ,not just show.
Let your love shine in a hug or a smile,
A miracle may happen if we just change our style.

There will come a time when all this will end,
Then you'll wish you had stopped to make a friend.
Life is to short, Don't let it pass by
Without meeting people and giving life a try.

                             Judy Lindsey

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