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Uncle Hansel

Mixed emotional feelings are mine
in time I'll be fine
trying to figure out
what this life is all about

My Uncle Hansel died
rivers of tears I cried
he was a brave brilliant man
just don't understand

Stories his eyes would tell
in his mind, knowledge he stored well
great achievements a hard working man
would give anyone a helping hand

When I was a child, he read poetry to us
talked up a storm wise words anything for us
then one sorrowful quiet day
his thoughts slipped away

His gifts, music, and songs years before
he didn't remember anyone anymore
for years in a bed he laid
not stirring he began to fade

A man with so much to give
an abundant full life he did live
giving generously to each of us
now gone like blowing scattered dust

My father's best friend and brother
forever they're both together
my Uncle Hansel died
rivers of tears I cried

© January 19, 2008 Janet Irene Griffin

My Uncle Hansel was born on July 3, and passed away on December 3, 2007.

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