No place like home!
Just climb up the ladder and you will see, the view of the world from high in a tree!
It don't look like much it's built from scrap lumber, the stars are my ceiling as I nod off to slumber!
When I awaken to yet another day, In my make believe world in my tree house I'll play.
I'll call all of my friend's on my can with a string, tell them to come to my house and don't bring a thing!
A tree house like mine is every boy's dream, with two fingers I whistle and mom brings us ice cream!
My friend's love the tree house and we have Lot's of fun! But when it start raining, to our real house's we run!
It's nice to have a place to go with others, or just to be alone! But when play time is over, There's no place like home!
Written By:
Roy A.McGill
© all rights reserved 3/29/08
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