Poems of Charles HIce 

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poem 197
JESUS. Works. Period. No other namme will save you. The reason no one understands the cross with wisdom of the world applied the thing makes just no sense to them that are not being saved of course. They apply it to the guilty that they are forgetting him who BORE it once. Once now and forever the thing is done they need to say the namme of JESUS get it done. The most that man can do is say the namme of GOD and then believe that HE has saved him carry on. If a cup of water given a amount of money levied a coat of knitting draped a banquet announced in haste could any of this forgive me at the throne of grace then let me work for money and give many. Grace. The scale is not filled up the door is still and ever shut to those who brag on works that fail and bring decay. The only way to GOD is ever JESUS day to day. The reason we still live and seem to be a human is the Son Of God who gives us live no reason. The reason HE can judge is sharp he made the rules the laws and lessons and life he gives no hesitation. A day of retrospection and inspection and rejection as the lifer never hesitated to deliver his reflection of the mirror of the lifer. He refused to take my URL. In Ipso facto he did recoil from eye. The card so carefully found and reinked over penciled inn. He made me think the ego and the id dirty. Even when he said it was nothing personal it made me very sad indeed that my own personal space was not good enough for the likes of a lifer like him a man on MSN My Space. Eye always get them so confused. He said eye only look at my space that's the only thing eye do on the computer then he said eye do not want to get a virus at work so go figure then he said eye won't look at home either. By that time eye was rally disgusted that eye inked my URL for him at all. But it worked in reverse and made me think of all the good reviews and not the fail. When some of the drunks sneer at thee thy cannot fathom quickly weather the nonce they aer saying what aer ewe eating is it the brand x they could just be saying it's the bland x to confuse us. The nagging thought that yew are just a prisoner still entombed in a dungeon somewhen in time they seldom feed at nine just sort of seems to prove it. You cannot teach creativity on campus they would not let us it would be anarchy and gay rule factor aftor factor stick upon stick. This little mental exorcise sort of proves that I'm not sick. Oh Lammie May come quick and look at this it proves that he is still thinking with something oh that poor homeless man. Pardon my dust as CharlaX fables. Eye still have years of the stuff.

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